Student Highlight: Eduardo Fernandez

Student Highlight: Eduardo Fernandez

Eduardo has been part of our studio for over five years now. He started in our kid’s pottery classes at the age of 11, and now he is 17.  He is now part of our advanced Saturday morning pottery class where he shares his passion for clay with adult potters. Eduardo spends a lot of time throwing all kinds of forms on the wheel and also likes to sculpting his own chess pieces out of clay.  He is enjoys playing chess and making pottery, amongst the many other things he has interest in, he is kind of a renaissance teen.   His work has always stood out at the Dade County Youth Ceramics Division, winning both purple and first place ribbons in ceramics every year.  This year he received the top award in thrown ceramics, The Naomi Browning Award.  He has assisted teaching the Kid’s Clay Class, where he shares his expertise in clay with the younger students. Eduardo is an exemplary example of a positive teen with a passion to learn new things. I also want to acknowledge his parents for doing a  wonderful job raising this young man, and we are happy he is part of our studio family.